Prepare Your House for Spring

clean porch with chair and swing

For many of us, spring is synonymous with change – a time to emerge from our winter hibernation and start anew. This feeling often extends to our surroundings; brighter days and warmer weather provide the perfect opportunity to refresh our interior and exterior living spaces. To that end, we’ve provided some tips and suggestions to help you get your home ready for spring.

Wash your windows. One of the best ways to brighten up your house after a long winter is to clean your windows. You can do this yourself with a pressure washer – just be sure to read the instructions thoroughly beforehand and operate the washer at a low pressure so that you don’t damage your windows. (Never climb a ladder to use a pressure washer – attach a nozzle to the washer that extends the spray to reach higher floors.) If you don’t have a pressure washer or don’t feel comfortable washing the windows yourself, hire a professional to do it for you. From a spring cleaning perspective, it’s definitely money well spent.

Clean your gutters. In many parts of the country, spring means showers – and the potential for flooding, if your gutters are full of leaves, sticks and other debris. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are all clean and in working order.

Test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Easy to forget but important to remember: smoke and carbon monoxide alarm maintenance should always be on your list of tasks as you get your home ready for spring. Clean and test your units and replace the batteries.

Declutter your closets. Spring is a great time to get rid of all of the clothing and knick knacks that have accumulated in your closets over the months. Create separate piles for items that should be trashed and items that can be given away; many charities offer pickup services, making donations easy. You’ll feel good about giving others a chance to make use of your discarded items, and you’ll also have a cleaner closet: it’s a win-win.

Consider simple design swaps. There are plenty of ways to freshen up your interior without spending a lot of money. Switch out the curtains and linens in your bedroom with light, airy fabrics; add a few cream-colored throw pillows to the sofa; splurge on some fresh flowers for the kitchen table. Or liven up a wood floor with a light, washable rug – there are plenty of inexpensive options that are stylish and easy to clean.

Refresh your outdoor spaces. Exposure to harsh winter temperatures can take its toll on your yard in a number of ways. If you have a patio with outdoor furniture, now is the time to clean it and bring out your seat cushions; be sure to get your grill ready for warm-weather barbecues, too. Plant some new flowers (either in the ground or in some pretty pots) and trim existing greenery. Ensure that any broken tree limbs are removed (for safety reasons, this task is best left to professionals).

With these refreshes in mind, you can have your home ready for spring in no time – and focus on enjoying the warmer temperatures and longer days.

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